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Goddess Temple April 10, Thurs @ 8pm HKT Doors are open to join

 2-Day Training 

Holy Fire Karuna Reiki I, II, III & Master Level Certification

What is Holy Fire Karuna Reiki?

It is a style of Reiki that is rooted in the nature of the Divine Feminine. It works directly with your Spirit and because of this it has the potential of developing higher levels of consciousness within you.

Holy Fire Karuna Reiki develops qualities of joy, peace, love, compassion, the ability to forgive others and yourself, becoming non-judgmental and creating a major ripple effect of spiritual freedom and happiness. 

Program Overview


Improves Relationship with Self & Others

Strengthens Healthy Communication 

Develops Healthy Habits 

Break through Addictions

Harmonizes the Chakras and Energetic Bodies

Connect Deeper to Higher Self 

Heal Past Life Experiences that are affecting Present Life Situations

Shift Trauma from Child/Sexual/Physical Abuse

Transform Shadow Self 

Nurture Your Inner Child 

Deepening your Connection with the Divine Feminine 

Becoming more Comfortable in Your Sensuality & Sexuality 

Elevates Your Connectivity to Pleasure 

Increases Creativity 

Clear Karmic Seeds, Negative Energies, and Unconscious Patterns on a Cellular Level 


Holy Fire Karuna Reiki Values & Teachings

3 Types of Love to Create a Harmonious Relationship to Self & Others

The Difference between Soul vs Spirit

The 12 Levels of Consciousness

2 Major Manifestation Portals That No One’s Telling You About

4 Ignitions (Transmissions to Attune you to Holy Fire Karuna Reiki)

9 Unique Holy Fire Karuna Reiki Symbols

          ◦ What they are for

          ◦ How to Integrate them into Healing Sessions 

          ◦ Alternative Methods of Weaving Symbols into Healing

Step-by-Step Guide on How to Hold Space for Your Reiki Sessions

Energy Clearing Practices to Stay High Vibin’ Before and After Sessions

How to Market Your Offering to Soul Aligned Clients & Set Up Your Biz

Introducing the Holy Fire Karuna Reiki I, II, III & Master Level Certification 

A Globally Accredited 2 day program from the Reiki Membership Association

Life After This Program:

Noticing an in-flow of clients, higher vibrational relationships, more money, golden opportunities because you are in ALIGNMENT 

Every day you feel more integrated with the energies of love, compassion, patience, kindness, peace, optimism and trust because the energies of Holy Fire Karuna Reiki are unlimited and ever-evolving within you. 

Embodying the Divine Feminine energies in every area of your life with more ease.

Witnessing your relationship with self and others becoming more conscious and compassionate.

Feel empowered and confident in your mind, body, soul and healing practice

Walking with a joyful bounce in your step because your inner child is feeling fully supported and safe 

Becoming more in flow with Spirit because you embody the vibration of LOVE

Having frequent casual conversations with your Spirit guides because your intuitive antenna is lit

Creating space to breathe and move your body because you feel more comfortable in your body, sensuality and sexuality 

Smiling to the the heavens as a thank you to every synchronicity that unfolds throughout your day because you know the Universe has your back

Being a beacon of love and light for your family, friends, clients and community

Seeing the world through the lens of more purity and innocence 

I am so happy and over the moon to share that I have a newfound appreciation and deeper relationship with nature, I’ve gained more introspective awareness, I don’t feel as alone as I previously used to, and I’ve been able to have special moments with my mother which I previously thought would never happen. I’ve been able to channel incredible information and illuminations for clients, and stepped into a role I felt called to but couldn’t particularly pinpoint what it was exactly - a star quality that I felt that I always possessed but couldn’t put into words. I’m able to look up into the sky and feel the universe with me, to know that ether is there, to see every sunset, moon transition as magnificent and magical. I am so much more in tune with the elements, planets, cloud passings, plants, which really allows me to become more in touch with myself.

— Yin Ki Wong, Sound Practitioner & Founder of Yin Ki Wellness
Zoom Holy Fire Karuna Reiki I, II, III & Master Level Certification

Holy Fire Karuna Reiki I, II, III & Master Level Certification

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Group Training

A 2-Day Certification Training
Globally Accredited by the Reiki Membership Association

Those that take the class will be able to use the symbols in their Reiki sessions and teach all levels of Holy Fire® Karuna Reiki® as a Master level teacher. It is complete with eight practitioner symbols, one master symbol, three ignitions and two mediations that are guided directly by the Holy Fire®.

Training Includes

  • Holy Fire Karuna Reiki Values & Teachings
  • 3 Types of Love to Create a Harmonious Relationship to Self & Others
  • The Difference between Soul vs Spirit
  • The 12 Levels of Consciousness
  • 2 Major Manifestation Portals That No One’s Telling You About
  • 4 Ignitions (Transmissions to Attune you to Holy Fire Karuna Reiki)
  • 9 Unique Holy Fire Karuna Reiki Symbols
    • What they are for
    • How to Integrate them into Healing Sessions 
    • Alternative Methods of Weaving Symbols into Healing
  • Step-by-Step Guide on How to Hold Space for Your Reiki Sessions
  • Energy Clearing Practices to Stay High Vibin’ Before and After Sessions
  • How to Market Your Offering to Soul Aligned Clients & Set Up Your Biz

Next Group Training Dates: TBA
10:00am-4:00pm for 2-days
Training is held via Zoom

Please contact us at for private 1:1 training availability

This training is for those who have already completed Usui Reiki Level I, II, III or Master Level as a pre-requisite requirement.

*Certificates to be mailed out to your mailing address after training

Holy Fire Karuna Reiki I, II, III & Master Level Certification



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